D-CARE - Complete Diabetes Management System
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What People Are
Saying About D-Care

"I've purchased several of the D-Care skin and foot care products, and they've been wonderful. My skin has never been so smooth. I also get everything I need from the Women's Multivitamin, and my doctor has told me that they are an exemplary product for my health. Thank you!" -- Laura B., Virginia

"I believe that your Meal Replacement bars are the best on the market. There is no other nutrition bar or meal replacement bar which is comparable to D-Care. I took a box with me on my two week missions trip to Russia in the Republic of Mordovia, Saransk. The food is very limited and I knew that I needed something healthy to supplement and substitute for meals or to eat for a snack (I cut the bars in half for a snack)." -- Theresa R., California

"Being a type 2 diabetic (I'm 73 years old, and was just diagnosed a year ago), I have been substituting D-Care Meal Replacement Bars for my regular lunch occasionally -- when needed if my weight started to increase a bit. In the year since I was diagnosed I have lost 80 pounds (from 265 to 185). I have been able to maintain 185 (within 2-3 pounds) for the past 3 months -- in part owing to an occasional D-Care lunch. And not only that -- they taste good, and pretty well satisfy my appetite." -- Mike J., Virginia

"I've had good results with the D Care products. I've seen your products at my local pharmacy, but I am pleased that I could find the full selection of your products at your web site." -- Janet S., Maryland

"I have used your Women's Multivitamin and Sugar Blocker formulas continuously for over 6 months now. The products meet my nutritional supplement needs very well. Sugar Blocker seems to reduce my cravings for sweet foods....as a diabetic with a sweet tooth, I need all the help I can get! I've also been getting good results with your Soothing & Healing Lotion. I use it to cope with the extreme dry skin that results from diabetes and the most common side effect of Glucophage." -- M. H., Washington

"I have taken many, many products over the past several years in an effort to lose weight, but most made me extremely jittery and they affected my sleep patterns. When I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes last year, I knew that many diet aids could interfere with my diabetes medications. But with the D-Care Weight Management System, this was not an issue because it is geared for people with diabetes. For my future weight loss goals, I am using your product. I can take it with confidence because it doesn't cause those jittery side effects." -- Eileen F., Connecticut

Thank you, D-Care customers!
(comments used with permission)

Want to share your thoughts about our products? Contact us at info@puretekcorp.com



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Telephone: (818) 361-3316   Fax: (818) 361-8722

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